The Best burgers and fries in Island Park, Idaho

Last Chance General Store has been around for over 60 years and in that period we’ve served deep fried burritos, Chester’s fried chicken, and a handful of other gas station food. Starting in Summer 2024 we are opening a full kitchen!

True to the roots of the general store our kitchen won’t be selling $20 hamburgers but everything will be hand-made and high quality. In fact our hamburgers – straight off the grill – start at just $3.49!!!!

THE FAST and GOOD Grill at Last Chance Texaco is now open 7 days a week! Click here to view our menu and hours.

We’ve invested heavily in a BRAND NEW commercial kitchen – with a drive-thru coming soon, and will be providing the kind of food that Idaho families can appreciate. Namely, epic smash burgers made from hand-ground beef from local ranches that is processed fresh in Idaho Falls with no antibiotics. Grass-fed but grain finished to make it delicious. Our fries are also going to be hand cut from Idaho Russet Potatoes and we will be serving ice cream shakes! Don’t worry we aren’t here to break the bank our burgers and fries and combos will be affordable for locals and tourists alike.

We are also adding picnic tables and outdoor seating, breakfast sandwiches made with fresh eggs, Idaho cheeses, and locally produced english muffins. So if you have a hankering for an awesome local burger, some hand-cut idaho fries, or even just a shake stop by starting summer 2024 and we have your hunger cravings covered!